This page last changed on May 14, 2008 by stepheneb.

There are few properties that can be used to configure the OTViewer which is the main class which displays otml files.

The properties can be passed as:

  • system properties
  • sds runtime properties (look at SailOTViewer in sail-otrunk project in tels svn)
  • properties of the Pod setting up the otml file. (look at SailOTViewer and BuildOTrunkCurnit in sail-otrunk project in tels svn)

Which properties can be passed where is pretty random.

Here is a link to the current list of properties:
JavaDoc constants

This is the code snippet from OTViewerHelper

	public final static int MULTIPLE_USER_MODE = 2;
	public final static int SINGLE_USER_MODE = 1;
	public final static int NO_USER_MODE = 0;
	public final static String NO_USER_PROP = "otrunk.view.no_user";
	public final static String SINGLE_USER_PROP = "otrunk.view.single_user";
	public final static String DEBUG_PROP = "otrunk.view.debug";
	public final static String TRACE_PROP = "otrunk.trace";
	public final static String TRACE_LISTENERS_PROP = "otrunk.trace.listeners";
	public final static String TRACE_PACKAGES_PROP = "otrunk.trace.packages";
	public final static String AUTHOR_PROP = "";
	public final static String REMOTE_URL_PROP = "otrunk.remote_url";
	public final static String REST_ENABLED_PROP = "otrunk.rest_enabled";

These are some properties in OTViewer

	public final static String TITLE_PROP = "otrunk.view.frame_title";
	public final static String HIDE_TREE_PROP = "otrunk.view.hide_tree";
Document generated by Confluence on Jan 27, 2014 16:52